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Package: Complete Encyclopedia + DVD Series + 1 Month FREE Membership

Package - Book, DVDs, Membership 1 month free

ON SALE BUY NOW FOR $148 | WAS $419 Buy Now

Book: Alan Ellman’s Complete Encyclopedia For Covered Call Writing

A low-risk, wealth-building strategy for average investors which utilizes stocks and options to create monthly cash flow.

It took me four years to complete but here is the book you have been asking for. My goal when I started this project was to create the most comprehensive book ever written on the subject of covered call writing and gear it to the average retail investor, The Blue Collar Investor. I hope you feel that I have achieved my mission.

This book contains SOME of the information found in my first two books, updated information (like the new options symbology) and subjects taken from over 100 journal articles published since 2007. It contains all the basic and advanced material you need to know to truly master this great strategy. It also addresses the questions you have sent to me over the years on subjects peripherally related to covered call writing like the use of cash-secured puts, for example.

DVD Series: Covered Call Writing

Covered Call Writing – 4 DVD Series

Three Live seminar presentations of ALL Basic and Advanced Strategies PLUS Practical Applications

1 Month FREE Premium Membership

Have you learned the options trading system but want to make it even easier to implement? Our membership service offers all the benefits of our diligent research and analysis without all the work. Allow us to provide a quality watch list of securities that pass the strict BCI fundamental, technical and common sense screens and take that weekend outing with the family instead!